Nhwɛdo:Convert/list of units/extra
unit | unit- code |
notes | combinations | ||||
kilometres per litre | km/l (km/L) | Use km/L to get "km/L"
| ||||
litres per 100 kilometres | l/100 km (L/100 km) | Use L/100 km to get "L/100 km"
| ||||
litres per kilometre | l/km (L/km) | Use L/km to get "L/km"
| ||||
miles per imperial gallon | mpgimp |
| |||||
miles per US gallon | mpgus (mpgUS, mpgU.S.) | Use mpgUS to get "US"Use |
| ||||
imperial gallons per mile | impgal/mi |
| |||||
US gallons per mile | usgal/mi (USgal/mi, U.S.gal/mi) | As above with the us vs US vs U.S.
| ||||
The mpgUS , mpgU.S. , USgal/mi vs U.S.gal/mi , km/L , L/100 km and L/km variants work within combinations also (making 36 combinations in total).
unit | unit- code |
notes | combinations | ||||
inhabitants per square kilometre | PD/km2 | PD stands for population density, i.e. humans (inhabitants)
| ||||
per square kilometre | /km2 | Used when the word 'inhabitants' would be inappropriate. |
| ||||
inhabitants per hectare | PD/ha |
| |||||
per hectare | /ha |
| |||||
inhabitants per square mile | PD/sqmi | PD stands for population density, i.e. humans (inhabitants)
| ||||
per square mile | /sqmi | Used when the word 'inhabitants' would be inappropriate. |
| ||||
inhabitants per acre | PD/acre |
| |||||
per acre | /acre |
unit | unit- code |
notes | combinations | ||||
dollars per pound | $/lb | "$" can mean US$, HK$, etc. |
| ||||
dollars per kilogram | $/kg |
| |||||
dollars per troy ounce | $/ozt | 12 troy ounces in 1 troy pound |