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Nkyerɛkyerɛmu a ɔwɔ ne fael nkyerɛkyerɛmu kratafa na ɔwɔ ase ha yi.
English: Pusuban – a name deriving from the English word ‘post’ and Fante ‘ban’ (fortification) – are the eye-catching and often elaborately decorated concrete shrines that dot the urban landscape of many Fante settlements, reaching something of a garish zenith in such ancient trading centres as Elmina, Anomabu and Mankessim.
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Ne farbaa – Ɔwɔ dɛ edze enyidzi ma, ema tumdze no ho lenke na kyerɛ dɛ sɛ wɔyɛ nsesa bi wɔ mu a. Ibotum ayɛ dɛm wɔ kwan biara ɔsɛ mu mbom nnyɛ kwan a ɔkyerɛ dɛ tummafo no agye ɔwo na wo dwumadzi no ato mu.
share alike – Sɛ efora, edan anaa itu ndzɛmba yi mu mpon a, otwar dɛ ekyɛ wo mboae no wɔ same or compatible license ase dɛ dza odzi kan no.